Monday, October 24, 2011

Here we go!!

We are ready to start pursuing fundraising now as Todd's school work is almost complete!  We have sent out support letters and have received some money through that, but still have a long way to go!  (Thanks to all who did received a letter for your prayers and financial support.)  Here are some of our upcoming ideas for bottles for spare change, selling t-shirts, garage sales, possibly a raffle etc.  Please let me know if you are interested in collecting spare change in a baby bottle and I'll get that to you.  More info on t-shirts to come...
One fundraiser that is already in process is Just Love Coffee.  For every bag of coffee that is purchased $5 will be donated toward our adoption.  So for all you coffee lovers out there feel free to visit the site and purchase some coffee!  This would also make a great Christmas gift if you have friends or family that enjoy coffee.  The site is:
Another fundraiser that we are in the process of getting started is a silent auction.  And Praise the Lord I just found a facility in town that we could use for free!  Our God is good!  We are hoping to do this in December sometime so stay tuned for the details on that.  If you live in the area and have any goods or services you want to donate please feel free to give me a call. 
Thank you all for your support and prayers!

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